nzoCALIFA: When Dance Advances the Story

nzoCALIFA--from the desk of R. Califa Calloway 
"I started my #Dancestory2013 trek thru application for a Midwestern African American Genealogy Institute (MAAGI) Scholarship to its inaugural session at Harris-Stowe State Universityin St. Louis, Missouri. The Institute is the only of its time specializing in African Ancestrered Genealogy, an invaluable Genealogy Homestead whose leadership has blazed trails of inspiration. Scores of Family lines later, ultimately scratching the shores of Mama Africa, to making connections with my African kinship; my inner quest was fully realized into true reality with renewed purpose.

       With fueled dedication, I now take my platform to the very Community portals that cultivate, preserve and practice African Cultural traditions, which have become vital in sustaining the legacy thru the discovery of their African within. There are monumental historical narratives we celebrate today, a feat not ever to be taken for granted, yet there is the personal narrative, yOURstory --phenomenal testimonials right here from our own backyard [local], more notably the ones still to be told from our very Eldership. To date, there exists a livewire bridging the heavens to the earth where Ancestral calls are made more often, waiting on standby for its descendants to answer..."

                 Advance your next steps in service to the Dance - we're here for you, 
                                          Let's kinship:


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